34. “Try” is a Setup for Failure | Janine Brisebois | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

Janine Brisebois, BSc (Psy), DBA, M-NLP, RMT is a Strategic Transformational Coach dedicated to helping people understand that they can heal themselves and become their best!! She is passionate about the power of storytelling and its ability to shift mindsets. She ardently studies the use of words in the description of trauma story and its associated body language. Everything that has ever happened to you in this lifetime and in 7 generations before you is encoded in your nervous system. Like a violinist, Brisebois helps you tune into that root cause of pain. Once the secret is exposed, profound transformation and healing occurs immediately. Potential is now a fact to be acted upon.

With Janine as your coach, you will gain insight into your physical and mental health. She is known for catalyzing self reflection while offering practical direction. She is a myth buster as she guides you to unravel your truth, discover your passion, and make your impact on the world.

I really love the key insights Janine bring to this episode as we discuss the power of words like can't vs. choose. I ask her to address how we deal with the mini-traumas of being an entrepreneur and she shares her list of 6 areas of pain where we we tend to hold onto the most trauma.

How to Connect with Janine Brisebois

Follow Janine on Instagram @thatgriefrecoverylady and check out her website at https://www.thatgriefrecoverylady.com.

How to Connect with Camille Diaz

Camille Diaz is a connector, author, coach, speaker, podcaster, and financial professional who loves to empower people with knowledge and resources. Her desire is to see others succeed in business and in life and to help inspired individuals design a path toward happiness, harmony, and financial security.

Connect with Camille on Instagram and Facebook @CamUnfiltered or on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/camillediaz/.

Book at free coaching consultation at https://camillediaz.com/call.

Learn more about Camille's coaching at https://go.optimized.zone.