38. Tell Me Something Good | Shalisha Samuel | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

Shalisha Samuel is Vincentian, aka, from St. Vincent and the Grenadines and is overall, an advocate and performer.

Since she was 7 she began living in other countries, first moving to Barbados, then Brooklyn NY and later in life to Switzerland and the U.K.

She learned to be a chameleon from a young age to adapt to her new environments, making life as an actor and as an attorney a natural playground.

Shalisha blogs on the power of our mind at www.growingwithshalisha.com. Her everyday goal is to have the right perception based on her spiritual practice of love being the only truth.

In this episode Shalisha and I chat about how to manifest the business and the life you want.

How to Connect with Shalisha Samuel

Connect with Shalisha on her website www.shalishatheactor.com where web elves are developing an amazing tapestry. If you want to be notified of the big reveal and get access to some goodies on voicing your ads, just sign up.

How to Connect with Camille Diaz

Camille Diaz is a connector, author, coach, speaker, podcaster, and financial professional who loves to empower people with knowledge and resources. Her desire is to see others succeed in business and in life and to help inspired individuals design a path toward happiness, harmony, and financial security.

Connect with Camille on Instagram and Facebook @CamUnfiltered or on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/camillediaz/.

Book at free coaching consultation at https://camillediaz.com/call.

Learn more about Camille's coaching at https://go.optimized.zone.