78. You’re Either Doing It or You’re Not | David Gilbert | The Real Deal with Camille

My guest today is David Gilbert. He is a professional freelance voice actor who helps companies connect their messages to their audiences. He began his voiceover journey in 2016 after spending over 24-years in a variety of sales & marketing roles in the consumer goods industry, so he knows his way around the business world. Above all else, this single father to two young adult humans genuinely loves to help people by making a positive impact in their lives, businesses, and careers.

How do you become the person you want to be? Most coaches would say you have to do the activity that person would do until you actually become that person. In this episode David and I discuss some of the harsh realities of not just being an entrepreneur, but of leveling up in general and becoming the person we ultimately want to be. David shares his views on consistency, habits, and why 100% is easier to achieve than 90%.

How to Connect with Camille Diaz

Camille Diaz brings zombiepreneurs back to life! She is a connector, author, coach, speaker, podcaster, and financial professional who loves to empower people with knowledge and resources. Her desire is to see others succeed in business and in life and to help inspired individuals design a path toward happiness, harmony, and financial security.

Connect with Camille on Instagram @CamUnfiltered or on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/camillediaz/

Watch Camille's Free Masterclass: Get More Done and Make More Money WITHOUT Working More Hours at camilldiaz.com/masterclass

Download Your Free PDF: 6 Millionaire Habits Anyone Can Copy at https://camillediaz.com/habits