The Shake Up: Misfit to Best Fit in 30 Days
The Shake Up is a 30-day guide created for people who want to calm the chaos in their lives, find their purpose, and follow their dreams. You can make your way through the book and get on a path toward changing your life in just a few minutes a day. The techniques in this book will help you learn to trust your intuition and make decisions from a place of clarity and understanding rather than a place of frustration and desperation.
Create a better work-life balance for yourself, accept yourself, feel happier, and have the courage to make changes. if you’re ready to break out of your current habits and foster an opportunity for change, read The Shake Up.

The Optimized Entrepreneur: Streamline Your Business. Regain Your Life.
Hi! Camille, here. Thanks for stopping by. I can hardly wait for the release of my next book, The Optimized Entrepreneur. It’s all about how to be a more efficient entrepreneur so you can spend more time enjoying your life and less time being frustrated with the nitty gritty of running your business.
If you’d like to be notified when the book releases and receive other helpful info, click the button below and sign up for my Inner Circle email list. In case you’re worried about spam I don’t typically email more than once a week and I never sell or share my list.
You have a healing product, and I told you many of my stories...because of your book. I am thrilled to know you. I think your book is exciting, was honored to read it.

Julie Tattershall
I've worked with Camille on one of her podcasts and seen her do coaching in a Zoom session. If her book is like those experiences, it will be awesome.

Rick Bahlinger
Whether she’s running a business, raising two strong (and happy!) daughters, or tearing it up on the dance floor, Camille practices happiness every day. Things may not always go as planned, but Camille shares personal insights and life lessons that she has used to take charge of her own happiness. Readers will gain positive practices they can incorporate into their lives from this book.