The Real Deal with Camille

True Stories of Life as an Entrepreneur

84. Finding Your Voice as an Introvert | Daisy Lopez | The Real Deal with Camille

Quietly calling all introverts. This episode is for you. If you don’t market yourself and advocate for yourself, you’ll probably never get the results you want. But that can be hard for an introvert! This time, Daisy Lopez and I (both introverts) have a wonderful discussion on how to show up authentically in person and ... Read more

80. Finding Connection Beyond the Daily Grind | Coach Lee Hopkins | The Real Deal with Camille

Whether you're an entrepreneur, a stay-at-home parent, or part of the corporate world, building personal connections can be tough. And yet, we all need to have people in our lives who know, like, and care about us. So how do we find the right people in the limited time we have available for socializing? In ... Read more

79. 2 Reasons Why Your Business Is Taking Forever to Grow | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

Does it feel like your business is just standing still? Even though you keep working and working it's still not growing and you're just not seeing the results you really want. Well, there are a couple of things that might be blocking that growth. And I’m going to share them with you! Camille Diaz brings ... Read more

78. You’re Either Doing It or You’re Not | David Gilbert | The Real Deal with Camille

My guest today is David Gilbert. He is a professional freelance voice actor who helps companies connect their messages to their audiences. He began his voiceover journey in 2016 after spending over 24-years in a variety of sales & marketing roles in the consumer goods industry, so he knows his way around the business world. ... Read more

How The Real Deal with Camille Got Started

Somewhere in the middle of 2021 my husband popped into my office and gave me a wake-up call. He said he didn’t know what was going on with me, but I had better figure it out because it was clear I wasn’t happy and that was making our whole family miserable.

Message received! I did some soul searching, talked with my head coach, and decided to revive my coaching business.

I had been coaching in some form or the other since about 2015, but since 2017 my primary focus had been on my financial services business, Serenity Financial. While I was very talented in that field and my team was kicking butt, I just didn’t love doing it the way I love coaching.

To help relaunch my coaching business I hired a branding coach, Iris Culp with IC Growth. During one of our sessions she briefly told me to start recording my story of rebuilding the coaching business. She said she didn’t know what we’d do with the recording but just start doing it.

When I hire a coach I typically do what they say, so I started recording. I finished working with Iris, launched The Optimized Zone, and kept on recording my journey. (Iris completely forgot she even said anything, but you can hear more about that when her episode comes out.)

In the meantime I carried on with my current podcast, MoneyHeart. After recording over 100 episodes, I realized that while that show was well aligned with my financial services brand, it was not well aligned with my business coaching brand.

I knew I needed to end MoneyHeart but I had no idea what to do next… I know. I’m a little slow sometimes. Finally it hit me. Use all those recordings I’d been making over the past year and add in some guest episodes to create a new show. Duh! I only had about 60 solo recordings done at the time, lol.

Knowing MoneyHeart was ending I started asking the remaining guests if they would stay on for a few minutes extra and record something for my new show. They always said yes. And just like that, The Real Deal with Camille started to come together.

The Real Deal with Camille is about true stories of life as an entrepreneur. So many people claim that business life and personal life must stay separate. The reality is that when you’re an entrepreneur you are your business. What happens in your life affects how you show up at work whether you want it to or not.

In this show you’re getting the real me. My true story. The ups, the downs, the personal stuff, the business stuff, and all the messy in between. It’s never as easy as it looks from the outside but for me it’s always worth it.

I’ve been exceptionally fortunate that my guests have trusted me to share their stories as well. It’s my hope that by sharing our stories we can lift other entrepreneurs and inspire them to keep going. There is no overnight success, but there is plenty of success to be had.

I hope you’ll join us by listening to and sharing these true stories of life as an entrepreneur.



Enjoy the journey.