The Shake Up

Misfit to Best Fit in 30 Days

The Shake Up is a 30-day guide created for people who want to calm the chaos in their lives, find their purpose, and follow their dreams. You can make your way through the book and get on a path toward changing your life in just a few minutes a day. The techniques in this book will help you learn to trust your intuition and make decisions from a place of clarity and understanding rather than a place of frustration and desperation.

Create a better work-life balance for yourself, accept yourself, feel happier, and have the courage to make changes. if you’re ready to break out of your current habits and foster an opportunity for change, read The Shake Up.

A Note from Camille…

The Shake Up is a self-help book written by me. (Yay!) It’s filled with stories, discussion, and daily activities to help you find your path to happiness. I was inspired to write this book as I figured out how to follow my own path and realized I wanted so very much to help others do the same. My goal with this book as it is with all of my coaching products is to help you be the best you possible.

About the Author…

Camille Diaz is a coach and strategist who helps enterprising people streamline their business and find happiness and harmony in their lives. She has become a sounding board and a trusted source of tough love for those looking to calm the chaos and create a better work-life balance. Her ongoing goal is to boost the confidence of others and help individuals reach their personal best.

Camille Diaz

List 5 Worksheets for The Shake Up

If you already have your copy of The Shake Up you may want to download the FREE matching PDF to use as you complete the “List 5” activities throughout the book.