What if you can’t afford to hire help yet?

What if you can’t afford to hire help yet?

“Work in your zone of genius,” they said. “Hire people to do everything else,” they said. Uh, what if I can’t afford to hire people to do everything else? Where is all this magical money supposed to come from to hire all these contractors and staff to do all the stuff I’m not good at … Read more

Ready to Give Up On Your Goals?

Ready to Give Up on Your Goals

If you recently set some goals you’re probably busy trying to do them. If you set a whole bunch of goals and then started trying to work on all of them, you might be starting to feel like you’re being pulled in a bunch of different directions at once. At some point you’ll get overloaded … Read more

So… When’s Your Next Vacation?

So… When’s Your Next Vacation?

I took time off during the last couple of weeks of the year. Didn’t record any videos and didn’t have any appointments or attend any meetings. Which means I didn’t have to comb my hair. Didn’t have to coordinate clothes. Didn’t need earrings. Ok, technically I never NEED earrings, I just really like wearing them. … Read more

Why Prioritize Goals

Why Prioritize Goals

A world of possibilities lies ahead. Let’s pretend you’ve just set a bunch of goals and you’re excited to get started on absolutely everything. For the best chance at success, before you start, narrow down and prioritize your goals. I recommend limiting yourself to working on 1-3 goals at a time depending on how big … Read more