50. Doing Whatever It Takes | Anindita Guha Maulik Rungta | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

50. Doing Whatever It Takes | Anindita Guha Maulik Rungta | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

My guest today is Anindita Guha Maulik Rungta. She is India’s first certified Functional Medicine Health Coach from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy (FMCA). She is also an AFMC Certified practitioner from the School of Applied Functional Medicine. She changes lives by teaching women with chronic conditions how to create long term health and reverse … Read more

48. When Their Ceiling is Your Floor | Sarah Piedrahita | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

48. When Their Ceiling is Your Floor | Sarah Piedrahita | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

My guest today is Sarah Piedrahita. When asked to talk about herself she writes, I am The Reinvention Strategist and I work with all sorts of people to make sense out of the nonsense in life and business. I serve people who have been blindsided by life and need help on next steps to those … Read more

46. Life Without a Network is Nothing | Frank Agin | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

46. Life Without a Network is Nothing | Frank Agin | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

Frank Agin (http://frankagin.com) is president of AmSpirit Business Connections, which empowers entrepreneurs, sales representatives and professionals to become successful through networking. He also hosts the Networking Rx podcast, which has insights and interviews related to better business relationships. Finally, Frank is the author of several books, including Foundational Networking (https://amzn.to/47hfCWU).   Frank could see his … Read more

44. How Do You Know When to Quit? | Bethany George | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

44. How Do You Know When to Quit? | Bethany George | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

My guest today is Bethany George. She wrote the following about herself… I have been an enterprising entrepreneur since I was a young child. I am a problem solver at heart and love to serve the needs of others. Entrepreneurship is a part of who I am. Along with being a mom to 5 kids. … Read more

42. Why Am I Settling for Good Instead of Going for Great? | Angie Carlson | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

42. Why Am I Settling for Good Instead of Going for Great? | Angie Carlson | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

Angie Carlson is the owner of Carlson Financial Coaching, where she focuses on helping individuals and couples end the challenge of living paycheck-to-paycheck. She helps alleviate financial stress, anxiety, and worry so the money you make works hardest for you instead of everyone else. Her clients have experienced finding money to help towards their goals, … Read more

40. There is No Perfect Time to Become an Entrepreneur | Christina Hageny | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

40. There is No Perfect Time to Become an Entrepreneur | Christina Hageny | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

Military Spouse, Mother, Weight Lifter, Fitness Enthusiast, Payroll Guru. Triple certified (CPP, PHR, SHRM-CP) with over a decade of experience in payroll and human resources, Christina Hageny brings a wealth of knowledge to the table that she uses to help her clients solve their payroll problems. After working as both an end-user and as a … Read more

38. Tell Me Something Good | Shalisha Samuel | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

38. Tell Me Something Good | Shalisha Samuel | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

Shalisha Samuel is Vincentian, aka, from St. Vincent and the Grenadines and is overall, an advocate and performer. Since she was 7 she began living in other countries, first moving to Barbados, then Brooklyn NY and later in life to Switzerland and the U.K. She learned to be a chameleon from a young age to … Read more

36. Taking Care of Your Future Self | Ryan Mohr | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

36. Taking Care of Your Future Self | Ryan Mohr | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

Ryan is a client-first telecom optimization consultant with a background in Mechanical Engineering and the US Navy. His primary goal is to serve those in need in business and in life, and does so in a quality way to encourage satisfaction of his customers as well as himself. He’s an advocate personality who gets great … Read more

34. “Try” is a Setup for Failure | Janine Brisebois | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

34. "Try" is a Setup for Failure | Janine Brisebois | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

Janine Brisebois, BSc (Psy), DBA, M-NLP, RMT is a Strategic Transformational Coach dedicated to helping people understand that they can heal themselves and become their best!! She is passionate about the power of storytelling and its ability to shift mindsets. She ardently studies the use of words in the description of trauma story and its … Read more

32. Evolution of an Entrepreneur – Part 3 | Dr. Robyn | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

32. Evolution of an Entrepreneur – Part 3 | Dr. Robyn | The Real Deal with Camille Podcast

Dr. Robyn is a former competitive beach volleyball player turned high performance psychologist with continuing education in nutrition. She has written three books and given a TEDx talk titled Creating Success out of Chaos. Her clients call her a “smoke jumper” because she “parachutes in and helps fight life’s fires from the inside.” She adores the … Read more